My adventure in becoming a [Good] Mormon

Posts tagged ‘picnic’

Sooo derricious!

So labour day picnic today, I had amazing chili. As well as derricious desserts. There were like…8 types of jell-o. I only had two though. And once we went for a walk and got out from the shade it was very pleasant. I got some good photos. And the Youth did a hilarious dancing thing!

Although apparently the ‘friend’ my mom brought took to randomly offending people. Now, I don’t have an issue bringing non-Mormons to things, but so long as they obey the rules and be respectful. This guy apparently said a load of crap about the Mountain Meadow Massacre and was convinced that was what went on (He said that Mormons were bent on taking over Utah…Now I don’t know much about it, but if I remember, that wasn’t what happened). As well, he said something offensive to the Bishop (though I’m not sure what was said, I just know the Bishop wasn’t too happy with him) and continued to repeatedly offend other members at the picnic.

I’ve decided to create a screening process for when people who I don’t know well decide to come along. Or something like that LOL.